Monday, August 13, 2012

We're having a baby.. My baby and me!

We have some exciting news to share!

We're having a baby.. My baby and me! We are excited beyond belief! We are so thankful that the Lord has heard our prayers and decided to bless us in this way. We know that if the Lord had chosen to shut this door, we would be just as blessed. We do not deserve anything more than the pits of hell even on our best days.. However, we are elated that the Lord has chosen to bless us with a precious child!

As most of you know, I have had two miscarriages. I was recently diagnosed with two clotting disorders that  require me to take blood thinners via injections. I started taking my blood thinners immediately and I'm hopeful that this will produce a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby! We would greatly appreciate your prayers whenever we come to your mind! I would appreciate prayers for our baby and for me. I am trying not to be "nervous nancy" but I am having a hard time not worrying. Trust me, I know the truth, I know that worrying gets me no where and God is in control! Please pray for me to have peace!  I have lab test this week, an appointment with my obgyn on August 30th, and then an appointment with my hematologist on September 11th! I am in for a long road of lots of doctor appointments, but I promise you wont hear me complain! Thank you again for everyone praying, and everyone who has prayed! We are extremely thankful and blessed to have so many people beseech the throne of heaven on our behalf!



  1. This is WONDERFUL news! I will be praying for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, who will never a know a day when s/he doesn't love the LORD. ~cyndi campbell
